Velocity object types

Basic types


Each string value is stored internally in a "String" Java object ( see "java.lang.String" for details ).

Initialization :

#set( $str = "abc" )
#set( $r = "xx${str}yy" )       ## r : "xxabcyy"
#set( $r = "xx" + $str + "yy" ) ## r : "xxabcyy"

String methods usage examples :

length :  $str.length() 
#set($str2 = $str.replaceFirst("def", "xy" ) )
#if ( $str.endsWith("ef") ) YES #end
#if ( $str.equalsIgnoreCase("AbC") ) YES #end
toUpperCase() : $str.toUpperCase()
toLowerCase() : $str.toLowerCase()


Each integer value is stored internally in a "Integer" Java object ( see "java.lang.Integer" for details ).

Initialization :

#set( $i = 123 )

Calculations :

#set( $r = $i + 1000 ) ## r = 1123
#set( $r = $i - 23 )   ## r = 100
#set( $r = $i * 10 )   ## r = 1230
#set( $r = $i / 2 )    ## NB : r = 61 (!) (int)
#set( $r = $i / 2.0 )  ## r = 61.5
#set( $r = $i.doubleValue() / 2 ) ## r = 61.5


Each double value is stored internally in a "Double" Java object ( see "java.lang.Double" for details ).

Initialization :

#set( $d = 123.45 )


Each boolean value is stored internally in a "Boolean" Java object ( see "java.lang.Boolean" for details ).

Initialization :

#set( $b = true )
#set( $b = false )
#set( $b = $mylist.isEmpty() )



Object containing a list of any type of values. The values are stored internally in a "ArrayList" Java object ( see java.util.ArrayList for details ).

Even if it's not a real "Java array", this object is often considered as an "array" in many Velocity documentations..

Initialization :

## 4 numbers from 1 to 4 (with range operator)
#set( $mylist = [1..4]) 

## void list
#set($mylist = [])

## 6 values with diferent types
#set( $mylist = [1, 2, 3, "A", true, 65.78] )

Print content :

mylist content : $mylist

--- OUTPUT :
mylist content : [1, 2, 3, A, true, 65.78]

Print all items with "#foreach" ( "$foreach.count" goes from 1 to length, it's a count not an index ) :

#foreach ( $item in $mylist ) 
 - $foreach.count : $item 

--- OUTPUT :
 1 : item = 1 
 2 : item = 2 
 3 : item = 3 
 4 : item = A 
 5 : item = true 
 6 : item = 65.78 

Print a single item by index (the index goes from 0 to length-1) :

item 0 : $mylist[0]
--- OUTPUT :
item 0 : 1 

$list.get(0) ## with Java get() method
--- OUTPUT :
item 0 : 1 

item 3 : $mylist[3]
--- OUTPUT :
item 3 : A

item 6 : $mylist[6]
--- ERROR :
Index 6 out of bounds for length 6

Change list content :

#set( $mylist[2] = "CCC" ) ## index starts at 0

#set( $z = $mylist.add("new item") ) 
#set( $z = $mylist.remove("A") )
#set( $z = $mylist.removeAll( [1, 2, true, "Y"] ) )
##  'set($z=..)' is a work around to avoid printing 
##  the return value from 'add', 'remove', etc

Other examples :

isEmpty : $mylist.isEmpty()
#if ( $mylist.isEmpty() ) list is void #end

size    : $mylist.size()
#if ( $mylist.size() > 0 ) list is not void #end

$mylist.indexOf("A")  ## OUTPUT : 3 (found at index 3)
$mylist.indexOf("Z")  ## OUTPUT : -1 (not found)

$mylist.contains("A") ## OUTPUT : true (found)
$mylist.contains("Z") ## OUTPUT : false (not found)

$mylist.subList(1,3) ## from 1 to 2 (3 is exclusive)


Object containing Key-Value associations. The "key-value" pairs are stored internally in a "LinkedHashMap" Java object (see "java.util.LinkedHashMap" for details)

Initialization :

#set( $mymap = {"k1" : "v1" , "k2" : "v2"} )

Print content :

mymap content : $mymap
--- OUTPUT :
mymap content : {k1=v1, k2=v2}

## print VALUES
#foreach($v in $mymap )
. $v 

## print KEYS with Java "keySet()"
#foreach($k in $mymap.keySet() )
 . $k

## print KEYS and VALUES with Java "entrySet()"
#foreach($e in $mymap.entrySet() )
. $e.key : $e.value

Get value by key (if the key doesn't exist in the map the error " : no attribute '[' " occurs)

k1 : $mymap["k1"] 
k2 : $mymap["k2"]
k3 : $mymap["k3"] ## error (due to no key "k3")

Get value by key with default value if key not in map (secure, no error):

k1 : $map.getOrDefault("k1", "default_value")

Set an entry in the map (add or update a key-value pair):

#set( $mymap["k0"] = "v0" )

Remove an entry by key (error if the key doesn't exist in the map):

#set( $_ = $map.remove("k1") )
## "#set" is just to avoid to print the return value (here "v1")
## NB: error if the key doesn't exist in the map 
## key not found => return null => Velocity error

## workaround with "if exist" before remove:

Remove an entry by key and value (secure, no error if no match):

#set( $_ = $map.remove("k1", "v1") )
## "#set" is just to avoid to print the return value (boolean)

Other examples using the Java map methods :

isEmpty : $mymap.isEmpty()
#if ( $mymap.isEmpty() ) void #end

size : $mymap.size()
#if ( $mymap.size() > 0 ) not void #end

#if ( $mymap.containsKey("k1") ) K1 FOUND #end

#if ( $mymap.containsValue("v2") ) V2 FOUND #end

## Remove element by key
#set($removed = $mymap.remove("k1") )
#if ( ! $mymap.containsKey("k1") ) K1 NOT FOUND #end

## Get all values
#foreach($v in $mymap.values() )
 . $v

## Get all keys
#foreach($key in $mymap.keySet() )
 . $key

## Clear map (return void so no resulting output)


"Pure array" object that can be obtained from other objects.

The values are stored internally in a "Object [ ] " instance. And therefore it doesn't have all the features offered by a List. An array does not support operations changing its size ( add, remove, removeAll, etc)

Initialization :

#set( $array = $mylist.toArray() ) 

Print all items with "#foreach" ( "$foreach.count" goes from 1 to length, it's a count not an index ) :

#foreach ( $item in $array) 
 $foreach.count : $item 

--- OUTPUT :
 1 : item = A 
 2 : item = B 
 3 : item = C 
 4 : item = D 
#set($last = $array.size() - 1 ) ## last index
#foreach ( $i in [0..$last] )  ## index 'range'
// index : $i --> element : $array[$i] 

--- OUTPUT :
// index : 0 --> element : A 
// index : 1 --> element : B 
// index : 2 --> element : C 
// index : 3 --> element : D 

Change value :

#set( $array[2] = "newValue" ) ## index starts at 0

Other examples :

isEmpty : $array.isEmpty()
#if ( $array.isEmpty() ) is void #end

size    : $array.size()
#if ( $array.size() > 0 ) is not void #end

$array.contains("B") ## OUTPUT : true (found)
$array.indexOf("B") ## OUTPUT : 1 (found at index 1)

Last updated