Project configuration
The project configuration is defined in the file TelosysTools/telosys-tools.cfg
Each line has the following syntax :
Each line starting with a "#" is a comment :
"SpecificTemplatesFolder" -> specific location for bundles of templates
To define a specific location for templates, a directory where the templates are located for the current project. By default templates are located in "(project-home)/TelosysTools/templates", if you want to use another directory you can define it with this parameter.
"SpecificModelsFolder" -> specific location for models
(since ver 4.2.0)
To define a specific location for models, a directory where the models are located for the current project. By default models are located in "(project-home)/TelosysTools/models", if you want to use another directory you can define it with this parameter.
"SpecificDestinationFolder" -> specific destination for generation output files
To define a specific destination for code generation. The root directory where the generated files will be placed. By default the generated files are located in the current project directory (project home), you can change it with this parameter.
"SpecificDepotForBundles" -> specific "depot" for bundles
(since ver 4.2.0)
The standard "depot" for available "bundles of templates" is a Telosys organization in GitHub. You can define your own "depot" to store and install your bundles.
For GitHub 3 types of definitions are possible:
-> GitHub organization + " : " + organization-namegithub_user
-> GitHub user + " : " + user-namegithub_current_user
-> GitHub current user ( user authenticated by the current token )
"SpecificDepotForModels" -> specific "depot" for models
(since ver 4.2.0)
Same principle as for the bundles
Http proxy configuration
Telosys uses http to get models from a remote repository (usually GitHub).
So if you use a proxy to access the Internet you need to configure its configuration so that the Telosys "http client" can connect to proxy.
The usual proxy configuration settings are expected (for http and https) :
http[s].proxyHost : the host name of the proxy server
http[s].proxyPort : the port number of the proxy server
http[s].nonProxyHosts : a list of hosts that should be reached directly, bypassing the proxy
http[s].proxyUser : the proxy user name
http[s].proxyPassword : the proxy user password
Last updated