Bundles management

Current bundle

The current bundle is printed between "[...]" in the CLI prompt.

Example with "java-jdbc" as the current bundle: telosys#[java-jdbc]>

Use "b" command to set/unset/print the current bundle:

Syntax: b [bundle-part-name] [-none]

For more convenience, you can use only a part of the bundle name (if several bundles contain this part in their name then the command just says "ambiguous")


  • b -> print the current bundle

  • b java-jdbc -> set "java-jdbc" as current bundle

  • b jdbc -> set "java-jdbc" as current bundle if "java-jdbc" is the only bundle with "jdbc" in its name

  • b -none -> unset the current bundle

Once you have defined a current model and a current bundle the Telosys prompt looks like this: telosys#(model-name)[bundle-name]>

Main commands for bundles management

Bundles commands:

  • "b" Bundle: Set/print the current bundle

  • "lb" List Bundles : List the project bundles

  • "lbd" List Bundles in Depot : List bundles of templates available in the depot

  • "ib" Install Bundle(s) : Install bundle(s) of templates available in the depot

  • "eb" Edit Bundle : Edit the 'templates.cfg' file of the given bundle

  • "db" Delete Bundle : Delete the current/given bundle

Template commands:

  • "lt" List Templates : List the templates for the current bundle

  • "et" Edit Template : Edit a template (.vm) file

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